Saturday, September 24, 2011

Busy Busy Week

So many things have been going on in my head this week.
I'm so ready to go back to work and get this nursing thing going.
I've been baking more, experimenting with different breads, and looking for another hobby that I could really enjoy.
I kinda have this thing with pregnancy. It's such a beautiful wonderful time in a woman's life. I had a pretty good birth with my daughter, but it could have been different. I would love love love to have a homebirth, I already know I can deliver naturally! So this has me thinking about becoming a doula.
This opportunity has fallen into my lap recently and I think I'm going to go for it! I plan to go on for my RN, who knows, maybe I'll go to midwifery school. . .

As for today, my beautiful daughter disappeared to her playroom and came down a few hours later.  She snuck into our bedroom and left us this little surprise:

I'm a pretty lucky momma. 


About Me

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I'm Jessica, a 21 year old SAHM mom of a 6 year old little girl. I have been married to a wonderful man for just over a year and loving every moment. I recently graduated from nursing school, and am enjoying this much needed time off to enjoy my family. In my family everything is being converted to organic and homemade. I love God and strive everyday to be a better mother and wife. This is my story.